These are short videos designed to raise awareness regarding many health and food myths! I am also sharing my useful tips.
This is great for those who prefer watching videos rather than reading articles. Most of them are linked to an article (link will be posted below each one of them). Enjoy!
This is my beauty/skincare routine, super easy and fast, no need for a lot of fancy toxic and harmful products.... And don't forget that your skin health comes from the inside out ❤️ The holistic way
This is my own little tips to protect my home from the harmful effects of daily radiations and Electro Magnetic Fields. Please share and let me know what are your tips to protect yourself? Many thanks for watching!
This is a short video explaining the main reasons why diet soda or "low-fat" or "low-calories" products actually make you FAT and TOXIC! Read the related article here: Thanks for watching!
I still see many people avoiding salt because it is "bad", or so they have been told. Or they only eat white table salt.... There are better options than that. Educate yourself and make better choices! Read the related article here:
this is a short video resuming the article I wrote in my blog: FATS are GOOD for you, when they are well chosen. Enjoy!
Water is Life. Hydration is key. This is how I make sure I drink potent healing water every day. Let me know if you have other tips about it, especially if you live in the middle of a big city ✨
This is the resume of my article: Find out why Soy is not the health food you have been led to think it is
This is a short video resuming my article about SUGAR, this harmful poison that is slowly killing us all. Read the article here if you want more details: